We are pleased to announce Equadron Consultants Inc. engagement in the BC MoTI Old Skeena Bridge No 00457 Rehabilitation Project in Terrace BC. The CAD 25M project is planned to be completed in the fall of 2023 and includes repairing the corroded steel structure, installation of a scaffolding containment system, lead paint removal by blasting, recoating, and improving the passage along the sidewalk portion for pedestrians, cyclists, and others who use wheeled devices.

The rehabilitation of this staple of Terrace scenery is in the hands of Park Derochie, WSP, Morrison Hershfield, Stantec, and Ardy Rigging Ltd. Hard to find a better team to upgrade this key link between the City of Terrace and the community of Thornhill.

The Old Skeena Bridge was opened to the public in 1925, spans over 300m across the Skeena River, is supported by a steel truss, and concrete piers, and has an open grate steel deck. The Old Skeena Bridge’s importance grew with the expansion of East-to-West traffic. Although a redesign of Hwy 16 changed the traffic pattern by building a new bridge further downstream, the 1925 structure remained an important crossing.

More information about the BC MoTI project can be found at the following link:

BC MoTI Old Skeena Bridge Rehabilitation Project

Bridge recoating

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